Developing Extraordinary Resilience

In both business and your personal life, the ability to “bounce back” helps you recover from setbacks, adapt, learn and move forward. Use these practices to become more resilient in the face of any challenge. Bounce Back, Berenice

Stat of the Month:

A recent study by economists at the University of Warwick found that: happiness made employees 12% more productive unhappy workers proved 10% less productive Source:

Leadership Tip of the Month: Attitude Is Everything

When you’re working, pay attention to how you view your responsibilities, not merely what you’re doing. As a leader, the attitude you choose (yes, it’s a choice!) to bring to your activities is as important as what you actually do; it influences employees’ behavior, shapes your culture and ultimately, affects your bottom line.

What Can Aluminum Teach You About Leadership Development?

Like the element, great performers are everywhere — but extracting their potential requires mining their skills and nurturing their development.   Certain materials have consistently been valuable throughout history. People have valued gold and silver, literally, forever. The value of other precious metals has varied over time. Today, I am going to tell you the […]